Friday, 18 March 2011

RazorPit. I love this!

The short life of a disposable blade has always been the bane of a modern shaver’s existence; this is no longer the case with Razor Pit! Clean and maintain your razor to make it almost as good as new for months… 

I got one of these for Christmas, and it's been brilliant. I like to have a bit of a lazy beard, so I only really shave 2 or 3 times a month. I find that the blades get rusty and dirty if you don't use them every day, and I only get a few shaves out of a blade - not the 10 or more they promote. 

With RazorPit, instead of throwing the razor blade out after 10 or so shaves you can get 100, even 150 shaves from the same blade. Saves you money and helps the environment by reducing landfill and production resources.

Alls you do is squirt some shaving cream on the pit and then push your razor along a few times. Adds about 20 seconds to your shave and makes it feel like a new blade every time. 

You can get it here.

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