Friday, 18 March 2011

RazorPit. I love this!

The short life of a disposable blade has always been the bane of a modern shaver’s existence; this is no longer the case with Razor Pit! Clean and maintain your razor to make it almost as good as new for months… 

I got one of these for Christmas, and it's been brilliant. I like to have a bit of a lazy beard, so I only really shave 2 or 3 times a month. I find that the blades get rusty and dirty if you don't use them every day, and I only get a few shaves out of a blade - not the 10 or more they promote. 

With RazorPit, instead of throwing the razor blade out after 10 or so shaves you can get 100, even 150 shaves from the same blade. Saves you money and helps the environment by reducing landfill and production resources.

Alls you do is squirt some shaving cream on the pit and then push your razor along a few times. Adds about 20 seconds to your shave and makes it feel like a new blade every time. 

You can get it here.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

This Will Change The Way You Buy Jeans

A brilliant denim fit guide. Interactive images help you choose the style that's right for you, and then links you to real world examples of that style of jeans.

Makes buying jeans a whole lot easier!


Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Lucky Seven Custom Trucker Hats

I love these. I love the thinking behind them.

Lucky Seven are trucker hats featuring logos of 'companies' from cult film and TV - like the patches you see on uniforms in Alien or Bladerunner.

You can choose your own colour, patch, and crest - which is kinda cool - and the caps come delivered in a funky box.


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Coloured Brogues

Veering dangerously towards breaking my 'no boat shoes' rule is the brogue. Brogues are kind of old school, but there's some seriously cool coloured ones coming out at the moment.

Not sure about the Prada multi-coloured versions. It'd take some serious attitude to rock a pair of those ... or maybe just the right suit.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Drop Crotch Jeans and Pants

Levi reckon they kicked off this mini trend - but there's enough people following to make me think it's going to slowly edge its way from 'trendy' to mainstream.

These started appearing in the Autumn 2010 collections - notably D&G - but have started appearing in High Street stores as well.

Apparently it's inspired by Japanese youngen's wearing baggy low rise jeans tucked into their joggers.


Sunday, 13 March 2011

How to Dress Skinny

Everyone's talking about 'Dandy' fashion as though skinny body types have sprung out of nowhere. It's like the media think we've all just chosen to abandon six packs and bug chest muscles!

Still - here's some great tips for skinny body types.  

Source : Ask Men

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Winning Tee

There are a lot of Charlie Sheen tees around, but this one made me laugh out loud. Not the best shot - the store was closed and it was hanging in the window.